We missed the Billings storm on Father's Day because we had traveled north to
Denton, Mt to celebrate with my father and all 5 of my sisters who were all visiting at the same time!
These pictures were forwarded to me by a friend. I have no idea who took these pictures, but they are clearly Billings storm pictures.

Above - is the interior of the
Metrapark Sports arena. The roof was taken off by the tornado. Miraculously, nobody was injured. The arena was empty (nearly 4000 people had been there for an event the day before). Several businesses were destroyed or severely damaged, but not one person was injured!

This funnel cloud was photographed just a few miles from our home. I recognize the landmarks.

These two pictures show water flooding the streets in downtown. When we did arrive back in town Sunday evening, we drove through some pretty deep water standing in the streets - necessary to get home.

It was dark by the time we reached our home, but there was no damage and apparently we had only received about 1/2" of rain (as opposed to 2 1/2" in some other areas of town). No
apparent hail damage - while others experienced egg sized hail.