"Trees are the earth's endless effort to speak to the listening heaven."
This is the quote that inspired this small series, which will become holiday gifts. I started with this sketch book. All the screen prints are from photos I took of trees. I first screen printed about 1/4 of the pages with various images of trees.
This is the quote that inspired this small series, which will become holiday gifts. I started with this sketch book. All the screen prints are from photos I took of trees. I first screen printed about 1/4 of the pages with various images of trees.

The screen printed trees on the cover of the sketch book are from a photo I took along the Musselshell River last fall. Here is the original photo. I set my camera on black and white in anticipation that I would be making thermofax screens from my photos.

The evergreen cluster on this page is a photo I took this past summer in the Beartooth Mountains during the llama trek with three other quilters. Here is the original photo - a sunset on a smoky evening (forest fires).

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