I am mounting some of my smaller pieces onto painted canvases. Here is one that is not yet stitched on. The reason I've not stitched it yet is I am not sure the painting I did on the canvas actually compliments the fiber art piece. Sometimes it is good to take a picture because it is suddenly possible to see new things. Like the orange vertical stripe in the upper left corner . . . I certainly didn't see that before!
Anyone have any input for me? I am thinking I might need to tone it down or maybe just go with a solid color for the canvas. Still undecided.
At first I thought maybe you should go with a solid color, but the more I look at it, the better i like it.
I think its the dark color either side of the orange stripe! brings the eye to it instead of the whole picture. see what happens if the blue comes directy to the strioe or is it too late for that lyle
I like it how it is.
Cynthia, I would try it on black, or a very dark navy blue. I think the colours in the background are too similar to the textile. It should glow against a dark background.
when I first saw it I thought it was a piece with piping and a border. The canvas seems to suit it. I would agree though on trying it on a plain back ground(s) just to confirm your choice.
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