Our ultimate goal was to reach Jasper and Golden Lakes, which lie to the North of Lonesome Peak.
Wow! What a spectacular view! The picture below shows Jasper with Beartooth Mountain in the background.
Wow! What a spectacular view! The picture below shows Jasper with Beartooth Mountain in the background.

Here is another picture of Jasper - across the lake from the previous picture, with Lonesome Peak in the background.

This picture was taken at Golden Lake, which is directly below Jasper. Joe was fishing across the lake beneath Lonesome Peak when he took this picture of me across the lake (small black speck on the shore to the left).

Here we are on the trail between Albino and Jasper Lakes. That's Albino in the background.

The clouds started rolling in towards evening. We set up our kitchen in the shelter of these rocks. It was out of the wind.

Gorgeous scenery! Thanks for sharing the pictures.
Cynthia, thank you so much for sharing your wonderful pictures. As we plan to make a campertrip in the US in the near future, maybe we should consider a visit to these gorgeous mountains, your pictures made me curious!
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