I was honored to be invited to participate in an upcoming textile art show at the Livingston Center for Art and Culture. This non-profit group has been in existence for about 10 years, with a gallery presence at 119 South Main in Livingston, Montana. The textile show, called "In Stitches" will hang for the month of November.
You can read more about the other featured artists here.

The curator had requested delivery of the artwork today, so I drove 2 hours each way to personally deliver my 5 pieces.

Livingston is known for having extreme wind and the wind was unbelievable today! I found my car being buffeted by the winds all the way there and back.
I've not been in downtown Livingston for many years. It has not changed much from the time I lived in the area. Many of the same businesses are there. The wind still blows. It is a beautiful area, and I once passionately loved the Paradise Valley. I tend to remember the area fondly for its wonderful scenery. Today, I realized how glad I am that I no longer live there!
I stopped along the Yellowstone River on my way out of town to snap these pictures.