I am delighted to announce the publication of my technique for creating fingerpainted fabric.
It is possible using monoprinting techniques on a smooth surface.
Gelatin plate, plastic sheeting, glass or plexi-glass are all useful for monoprinting.
The article is included in the latest (August / September 2011) issue of Quilting Arts Magazine.
It is possible using monoprinting techniques on a smooth surface.
Gelatin plate, plastic sheeting, glass or plexi-glass are all useful for monoprinting.
The article is included in the latest (August / September 2011) issue of Quilting Arts Magazine.

I was tickled to see your name on the front cover when I got home and saw the mag in the mail! I read the article, and will be excited to try it Cynthia!
Ooh, how exciting! It looks great, congrats!
I will definitely pick up a copy! Finger painting was my first love... do you use thickened dyes or fabric paint?
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