Until 2000, the Prince William Sound village of Whittier could only be reached by boat or railroad train. The 2 1/2 mile railroad tunnel through the mountain was modified to share automobile traffic with train traffic. It is a single lane and so vehicles must wait at either end for their turn to use the tunnel. There is a $12 toll. We waited about 30 minutes for the chance to drive the tunnel.

It takes about 6 minutes to drive the full length of the tunnel and I must admit I found it kind of creepy - it felt very confined. As we were driving through - I remembered we had just heard there had been an earthquake in nearby Anchorage earlier in the day.

Hi Cynthia--I follow your blog and love it. Congrats on the latest publication in QA. I cant wait to read it! Just wanted to comment as well on your Alaska trip-I live in the Yukon and have enjoyed seeing Alaska through your eyes. And in Whittier my favorite thing is going through the old military base! Hubby and I get our heavy boots on, a flashlight and gingerly explore. Did you go in the theatre and sit in the rotting chairs? Very creepy..
Hope you get to do some fishing while in Alaska... :-)
Thanks for your photo's. We're going to Alaska in May 2013, and they have me even more excited!
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