I really liked the painted background of this piece (shown in my previous post), but my plan was to block print the entire background. I've had success with this approach in previous work, so I just jumped in and printed.

Block printing is a very joyful activity for me. Very intuitive and very uplifting.

Well, it was fun to do, but did I ruin it? I sometimes think so after I am done. Somehow it always works out though. I have more layers to add. Stay tuned.
I love it Cynthia! The whole thing seems to float!
Sally in Hobart
I thought I left a comment but I can't see so I'll try again.
It is beautiful! The whole piece seems to float!
Sally in Hobart
It most definitely isn't ruined. The piece as painted now is balanced... the color palette is cohesive and the sun motif is beautifully rendered. Can't wait to see what else you do it it (I'm betting thread will be involved). :D
These pieces are glorious!I'm so pleased Lyle sent me over to look at the petroglyphs.
So far, I would say it's a winner! And I'm glad to see you are back creating your art!
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