Cynthia St. Charles Store

Friday, February 19, 2016

Slipper Chairs for New Studio

I wanted to create a conversation area in my new studio space.  I don't have any such space in my home studio, which is a solitary work space with lots of storage and work surfaces but only room for me. 

I was beginning to regret my wall color choices....."Wet Coral", "Yukon Gold", "Mermaid's Tail" and "Majestic Grape" - bright vivid colors that are not exactly popular decorating colors.  As I searched for furnishings - I was discouraged by the prices as well as the limited color options. I shopped every furniture store in town as well as all the thrift stores.   I thought I might have to resort to black, but I was resisting black for the furnishings since the design wall is black (pictures to come).  I felt it would be too much black.  So I kept looking - expanding my search to the Internet.  I was delighted to discover these chairs at Target Online in Clearance.  A bargain with free shipping - a bit of a gamble - since it is difficult to really read colors online, but I thought they would be close!  I love these chairs and the colors are perfect for my wall colors!  What a stroke of luck!


The Idaho Beauty said...

Wow - I'm impressed. The upholstery looks like something you might print yourself. Perfect with the wall color. I seldom look on-line for furniture, assuming I wouldn't want to pay the shipping fees which I've noted are quite high in some catalogs. Lucky you - these were meant to be yours!

Textile Werke said...

The chairs look great and on first sight I thought you have printed the fabric yourself. Perfect match.