When monoprinting using a gelatin plate and plant material as a resist, the first print will create a sort of stencil image of the plant. Then, the plant material is removed and another print is made. The second print will have a lot of detail from the plant material.

This is the second print - the print I made after the one shown on the previous blog post. I decided to place Yellow Wing Blackbirds on this one. Yellow Wing Blackbirds are also common in this area. I think they are very similar genetically - I grew up seeing them sharing the same habitat on the ranch.
Below, you can see how I have bound it:

This is a wonderful piece, Cynthia. It looks like it could have been rusted! I really love the quilting you did, as well.
Love this!
Wonderful image. Would love to know more about the printing process.
Denise, I hope you will search the archives of my blog, where you will find a lot of detailed tutorials, etc. explaining all my processes. Here is a link to one of the Gelatin Plate Printing tutorials:
Best, Cynthia
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