I drove the three hours to Coffee Creek, MT for a visit with my parents.
The previous day, record setting high temperatures had been reached.
The following day, cold weather arrived, with record setting lows. These pictures were taken from the deck of my parents' house. That's Square Butte to the North.

It was 22 degrees on Friday morning and had been 82 the day before. It had snowed a bit and was hazy and cloudy. The mountains to the west are the Highwoods.

My father is 81 years old and he still does all his own ranch chores including feeding the hay and calving. He still rides his horse to work the cattle. My mother and I drove to Great Falls to attend the big Quilt Show there. We had a good time, did some shopping and had lunch at a Greek restaurant.
Absolutely NOTHING compares to the feeling of peace and "smallness" you get when being surrounded by all of that vastness. Good for the soul.
Next door here in Idaho we went through the same weather roller coaster, just a few days sooner. Tuesday I was in shorts and a sleeveless top for the first time this season (and it has to get pretty warm for me to do that), Thursday I pulled out gloves and a parka again as sleet and snow pelted down...
Do we get to see any pics of the quilt show?
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