Gelatin Plate prints are a lot of fun to make. The unflavored gelatin is mixed to set up very firm - sort of like a Jello Jiggler - in a flat sheet. I like to brush fabric paints across the surface, then place plants over the paint. Fabric is smoothed over the paint and plants, when it is removed, the fabric will have a stencil of the shape of the plant - as you see above.

The plant is removed, and the details of the plant remain in the paint that was between the gelatin plate and the plant - this is the second print - above.

I thought these grass prints would be a good background for some screen printed Goldfinches. This one (above and detail below) is the second print.

Cynthia, I have been a lurker on your site for a long time, and just have to tell you how much I enjoy your work - this latest series of gelatin prints of plants topped with thermofaxes of birds is delightful. thanks for sharing.
Dear Cynthia
Just like Hilary in the previous message I'm also 'lurking' on your website almost every day. Thank you very much for sharing all your beautiful work with us, all over the world.
Since I saw your birds in your pictures last year I've made several photo's of the birds in my own garden. How can I make a screenprint without a thermofax? I decided to make a birdstamp, but it's not as good as your screenprintbirds. Do you have a suggestion?
Warmest regards,
Lya from the Netherlands
These are absolutely wonderful! I love the colors you chose to paint on the gelatin and the screenprinted birds are really gorgeous!
Lya, I recommend checking with Lyric Kinnard to see if she will ship Thermofax screens overseas. You can send your image to her as an email attachment and she will create a screen for you and will send to you in the mail. Here is a link to her Thermofax page:
Best, Cynthia
I love your prints, Cynthia! I have been wanting to try the gelatin plate printing, and have the gelatin and pan... just haven't found time yet, but soon!
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